KARYN SCHONHERZ, BROKER, CDPE, CRS; and KIM SCHONHERZ have an impressive career sales record of over $3/4 Billion sales volume in 40+ years and they have received every award the company has to offer. KARYN and KIM are ranked in the top 1% of all Berkshire Hathaway agents in the nation.
KARYN and her daughter KIM have been a team since 1990. They enjoy working with each other and complement each other’s strengths. KARYN will professionally stage your home for sale and KIM’s law background will help keep you out of court. Together they make sure that your sale and/or dream home purchase is smooth and seamless. Their motto “Hands On Service” truly indicates their commitment to you and your needs. Hundreds of happy clients attest to their expertise, superior knowledge and unwavering commitment to serve.
KARYN is also very involved in the community. She was the President of the Canyon Hills Community Council and was responsible for all the 4th of July activities in Anaheim Hills including the 5/10K Run, Pancake Breakfast, Yankee Doodle Doggie Show, Parade and the Fireworks. She also sponsors the outdoor Concerts at Ronald Reagan Park, formerly Toyon Park.